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Open Work Permit Pilot Program
Open Work Permit Pilot Program for the In-Canada Sponsored spouses and common law partners extended for the fourth time!!!
Good news knocks the door for all the In- Canada sponsored spouses and common law partners who wish to apply for the Open work permit while their application for permanent residence is in process under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class(SCLPC). The Open Work Permit Pilot Program which was all set to expire on January 31, 2019 has been extended until July 2020, this being the fourth extension to the program since its inception in 2014.
Under the pilot program, eligible candidates who are sponsored for permanent residents as spouses and common law partners living in Canada may apply for an open work permit along with an application for permanent residence; or separately if already applied for permanent residence. However, the application must be made before the expiration of the current permit held by the applicant.
Need assistance with the Open Work Permit application process? Contact [email protected]